weight loss

Beware of the Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners and Sports Drinks

Beware of the Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners and Sports Drinks

It has been demonstrated that artificial sweeteners do not provide the promise of weight loss. Sure, artificial sweeteners are less caloric dense than sugar, so in theory, drinking a diet soda or eating foods with artificial sweeteners would save your calories and would prevent your blood glucose and insulin from spiking. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, artificial sweeteners have shown to increase hunger and insulin and with that your waistline.

What Really Happened to The Biggest Losers

The recent article from the New York Times, After 'The Biggest Loser,' Their Bodies Fought to Regain Weight, highlights that 13 out of the 14 contestants regained all the weight they lost within 6 years. The show was shocked and so were the contestants. How could this have happened? Doctors were interviewed and the contestants' metabolisms were measured and it was true that almost all of the contestants metabolisms have declined. Does this make us think that we should just give up on losing weight and living healthier?  No, this should teach us a lesson that there is a right and a wrong way to lose weight. The method in which the contestants lost their weight is not ideal and this is why.